What couples are truly looking for is to actualize a new understanding, a pathway thinking, that informs “how” to resolve their issues. The Hope-Focused Model sets certain standards and boundaries in order to establish a baseline of Hope.
Honesty. Our counseling environment is all about honesty. Laying on the table what issues are disrupting their lives, honestly discussing why and who they hope to become individually and collectively as a couple?
Trust. Our counseling clients learn to trust that what we discuss stays here and that we are working in a unique counseling alliance, the foundation of which is trust. However, Trust must be earned if it is broken by demonstrating and owning a new pathway thinking.
Hope. Our principle focus is on hope. We all yearn for a pathway back to happiness, but that state of mind is rooted in the sacred covenant of marriage, and the capacity to change. That very scaffolding is built upon hope.
Couple Therapy is seen by many as the begin of the end.
Using Worthington's (2007) Hope-Focused Couple Approach we strive to awaken our clients to the meaning of change, why forgiveness opens doorways of hope, and how strengthening relationships creates pathways of restoration. Our hope is that those who entercounseling are ready to work on a solution to a problem; whether that involves a plateau in the relationship or recovery from a deep wound.
The following are common situational couple’s experiences that require help:
When a couple experience negative communication becomes the standard this may involve verbal communication such as name calling or criticizing, or non-verbal communication such as abandonment or neglect.
If there is emotional or physical infidelity, recovery from an affair is challenging, even with professional help, yet it is possible to develop a healthier relationship through the restoration phase.
When the couple is trying to survive versus thrive the marriage can turn into two adults coexisting without intimacy.
When values and beliefs begin to impact the marriage covenant. Identifying commonalities in light of differences can be a significant challenge and may require new perspectives or thought processes.
Couple Therapeutic Counseling can help a couples come together to make thoughtful decisions and consider new perspectives. We teach couples how to:
Make requests and complaints without criticizing;
Create meaningful boundaries;
Improve listening skills and still feel heard;
Take responsibility for behaviors and make amends;
Apply forgiveness skills while having effective boundaries.
Counseling helps by identifying healthy and unhealthy patterns of behavior, improving communication skills, and making a dedicated, ongoing effort to improve one’s self for the good of the relationship. If your heart is calling you to find change in your marriage, contact us today to learn more about how our Hope-Focused couples therapy can improve your relationship.