If you feel like life is "getting in your way" and that stress or past trauma is stealing your joy, our counseling therapy can help you reclaim your life and become whole again. Our goal is to help you identify what is holding you back, to resolve it and to guide you to finding greater happiness!
As a Board Certified Christian counselor, in our 15 years of counseling therapy experience, we found that each individual is as unique as their issue. Finding happiness in life is often disrupted by “things” that get in the way. Whether it is anxiety from trying to meet the expectations of others, or relational issues between a family member or your spouse; not knowing how to navigate the appropriate pathway creates anxiety and fear. Fundamentally, it is their Attitude or their self-belief that directly impacts their Emotions, which in turn effects their Behavior.
If individuals believe they are inherently hard-wired to fix their problems, when they attempt to deploy their self-directed methods to circumvent their problems, they often lose their way. As a result, what they truly yearn for is a pathway of hope.
Attitude → Emotions →Behavior
“Everything can be taken from a man [or woman] but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” ― From Viktor E. Frankl's, Man's Search For Meaning
Counseling Approach
What they are truly looking for is to actualize a pathway thinking that informs them “how” to resolve their issues, so that they begin the restoration process of feeling more like themselves again, and summon the resilience to the become the best version of their “self.” Our counseling approach embodies the following:
Honesty. Our counseling environment is all about honesty. Laying on the table what is going on in their lives, honestly discussing why, and who they hope to become.
Trust. Our counseling clients learn to trust that what we discuss stays here, that we are working in a unique counseling alliance, all of which becomes the foundation of which is trust.
Hope. Our principle focus is on hope. We all yearn for a pathway to happiness, but that state of mind is rooted in one’s capacity to believe in yourself, that you have the capacity to change, and that very scaffolding is built upon hope.
Using the Hope-Focused counseling model, we endeavor to meet your counseling goals, guide you in a non-judgmental space, and to reflect on your inner strengths. We unpack your challenges to gain insight on “how” to co-construct a pathway through your life stressors. It is about finding your way back to a life that holds meaning and purpose. Hope is all about reclaiming your life, restoring well-being, and finding joy once again.
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